Sharing a OneDrive File or Folder within your Moodle class

  1. Left Click on the blue One Drive cloud icon in your task bar


  1. Select "Open Folder"


  1. If you need to, please create a new folder called "Class Videos" or something else memorable to hold your class specific videos


  1. Then inside of this new folder create a second new folder with the course name to save you searching for videos later



  1. To share the entire folder right click on the folder, but to attach individual videos for specific lessons right click on each individual video file. The process is the same for both options. 


  1. Then from the drop down options click the blue cloud "Share" option


  1. Click on "People you specify can edit" 


  1. Change to either "Anyone with the link" or “People in Young Harris College with the link"
    1. Anyone with the link- allows anyone to access if they have the link
    2. People in Young Harris College with the link- only people signed into YHC accounts that have the link can access
    3. People with existing access- Only people that you have given individual access to before can use this link
    4. Specific people- Only specific people that you name individually. 



  1. Then uncheck "Allow editing" if you do not want others to be able to edit the files or folder you are providing access to


  1. For individual files/ videos you can block the download of the file so it plays or views only in OneDrive/ the browser. This is a preference but if they download a file they could share it with others outside of OneDrive and Young Harris College
    1. To prevent the downloading of the file uncheck "Allow editing"
    2. Then make sure that block Download is selected 


  1. Click Apply


  1. Now click on “Copy Link” and when it finshes generating click "Copy" again to make sure you have captured it. 


  1. Go into your Moodle account and select the course that you want to add the files/ folder into. 
  2. Select “Turn editing on”



  1. To add as a general resource folder/ file and not as part of a specific assignment please follow steps 1-8 below. To add the link as part of an assignment please skip to the letter P found below.

1. Select the + Add an activity or resource

2. Choose URL as we will be adding a link to your file or folder

3. Enter in the “Name” such as PSYC 1200 class videos

4. Paste in the “External URL” the link that you copied from OneDrive. The description is not required


5. Under “Appearance” make sure that Display shows “New Window”

6. Then turn off Activity completion by changing it to “Do not indicate activity completion”


7. Finally click on “Save and return to course”

8. If you linked to an individual file it will open the file in a new window when clicked. If you linked to a folder it will open that folder in a new browser window for students to view and access.






  1. To add the link to your OneDrive folder as part of a specific week/ class assignment please follow steps 1-9 below

1. Find the specific week/ dates that you want to place the link to the folder/ files that you have stored in a OneDrive folder

2. Select the + Add an activity or resource

3. Choose URL as we will be adding a link to your file or folder

4. Enter in the “Name” such as PSYC 1200 class videos

5. Paste in the “External URL” the link that you copied from OneDrive. The description is not required


6. Under “Appearance” make sure that Display shows “New Window”

7. Then choose if you want the students to mark the Activity Completion option. To turn off Activity completion change the drop down to “Do not indicate activity completion” but to leave it as an activity then must check select “Students can manually mark the activity as completed, and add a completion date as necessary. 


8. Finally click on “Save and return to course”

9. If you linked to an individual file it will open the file in a new window when clicked. If you linked to a folder it will open that folder in a new browser window for students to view and access.



  1. Once you have added your link(s) please click the “Turn editing off” option to prevent errors or accidental deletions.