Turn on Voicemail to Email 

1. This is for faculty and staff only, and they must have a voicemail account previously setup. 

2. The user must have the ability to play a sound file from email, for this to work. 

    a. Confirm this with the user 

3. Log into the voicemail server 

    a. https://vm.yhc.edu 

4. On the left hand window select Users 

    a. Under the Users selection choose Users 

5. Limit search to ALL 

6. Find user – Suggested method by Extension – contains – XXXX 

    a. Where XXXX is the user’s extension (If extension is not found this will not work as they do not have voicemail. 

7. Choose Find 

8. Click the user name 

9. Choose the dropdown option for Edit 

10. Choose Message Actions 

    a. To send the voicemail directly to email change Voicemail to “Relay the message” 

    b. To send the voicemail to both the phone and email change Voicemail to “Accept and Relay the message” 

11. Enter the user’s YHC email address in the Relay Address field. 

12. Click Save 

13. Call the user and leave a test voicemail to make sure that the user understands what will happen.